The move to abolish taxes on wine and beer, uncorked by John Tsang, financial secretary, in his budget speech, sent the city's wine-loving tycoons into waves of bacchanalian ecstasy. 香港财政司司长曾俊华(JohnTsang)发布预算案时披露的取消葡萄酒和啤酒税的举措,让香港钟爱葡萄酒的企业大亨们陷入了狂欢狂饮的浪潮。
The government decided last week during its annual budget speech to take the new measurement, Land Reforms Ministry spokesman Gopal Giri said Wednesday. 土地改革和管理部发言人戈帕尔·吉里在周三说:尼泊尔政府在其上周的年度财政预算案演词中决定,他们将对珠峰进行新的测量。
Or is it, as Alistair Darling, chancellor of the exchequer, argued in his Budget speech on Wednesday, just one of a number of hard-hit high-income countries? 抑或是像英国财政大臣阿利斯泰尔达林(AlistairDarling)上周三在预算演说中所主张的那样,英国只是众多遭受重创的高收入国家之一?
In his annual budget speech, he outlines the Government's budgetary proposals and moves the Appropriation Bill, which gives legal effect to the annual expenditure proposals contained in the Budget. 财政司司长每年发表财政预算案演词,概述政府的财政预算建议,并动议通过《拨款条例草案》,使每年预算案中各项开支建议具有法律效力。
There was also a lack of detail on the "plan" offered in his budget speech in April. 他在今年4月预算演讲中提出的“计划”也缺乏细节。
"THE tiger is under grave threat," India's finance minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, intoned at one point in his budget speech on February29th. “这种老虎正受到严重威胁。”在2月29日的预算演讲中,印度财政部长齐丹巴拉姆意味深长地提到这一点。
Another, which includes a video of the president, asks supporters to put pressure on their congressman to pass Mr Obama's budget, by calling his or her office and reciting a little pro-Obama speech. 另外一封包含总统视频的电子邮件,要求支持者通过拨打他们选区国会议员的办公室电话并陈述一小段支持奥巴马的言辞,迫使国会议员通过奥巴马的预算方案。
Speaking in the Bundestag, where her budget speech was delayed until after the court ruling had been announced, Ms Merkel said the current financial crisis presented the European Union with historic challenges. 默克尔在德国联邦议院发表讲话时,表示,目前的金融危机让欧盟面临历史性挑战。她的预算演讲被延后至法庭裁决宣布之后。
Until recently every Chancellor of the exchequer put into his budget speech a sentence of thanks to Lord mackintosh, for a long time the head of the institution. 直到不久前,英国的每任财政大臣还会在预算演讲中加入一句话,感谢长年担任该机构负责人的麦金托什爵士(lordmackintosh)。